7 Ways to Smile through COVID and the heavy energy around you

Oct 06, 2020

“Folks are usually as happy as they make their minds up to be”

Abraham Lincoln

New research shows that happier people are more productive at work, more creative and even more
energised than their less happier peers. But how do you find happiness when you are in a whole of
negative energy and you can’t see your way out?
As much as we would all like the magical pill to make us happy forever, there is definitely a science
to happiness. Once we know better we can do better and become more skillful at staying happier for
To help you get started I have put together 7 easy steps to bring more happiness into your daily
lives even when it feels there is only darkness…..

Did you know that some foods actually do release the happy hormones (serotonin & dopamine) into your body. Get to the supermarket and grab yourself some turkey,
asparagus, eggs, yoghurt (my fave is Chobani natural) dark chocolate (Not a family block though) & leafy greens. These will all easily give your body a natural feel good boost.

The only time you have is NOW. Focus on what you can do right now and what is happening around you. Smell the beautiful nature surrounding you, genuinely listen to your children’s laugh, spend time with your loves ones away from technology and truly enjoy what is happening in your NOW… the past is gone and the future will never be here as it too becomes NOW xx

This is a big one that I have had to take on over the last few years! How often do you just push through the fatigue or even hunger when all your body really needs is to rest and be nourished. Your body will thank you for listening to what it needs, giving you a sense of calm and happiness.

This is truly something that pulls me out of any down mood and is so simple to put into place. Write 3 things down or just make a mental list of what you feel grateful for every single day. Make it simple for example….I am grateful for the amazing weather, I am grateful for my supportive husband, I am grateful for my beautiful children, I am grateful to be earning money, I am grateful for my health. There is always something that you can be grateful for every day. Give yourself the opportunity to acknowledge what is right, instead of focusing on everything that is wrong xx

It can be easy to let little things really cloud your perspective of what is happening. When we’re having a bad day we tend to start focusing on everything that is wrong in our lives…. I challenge you to ask yourself are you having a bad life or is it just a case of having a bad day?
We all have them and that is OK! Ask yourself if what is happening on that day going to matter tomorrow, in a week, a month or even next year and shift your thoughts into what you CAN do now to create a better day!

Exercise has so many amazing benefits including boosting your energy levels and helping you get a good night’s sleep. When you exercise the feel good chemicals (endorphins) are released into your system which helps reduce stress and in turn makes you happier. If the thought of joining a class is too overwhelming for you, just get outside and go for a walk. It will not only give your mind a break from the “mundane”, it will help shift your perspective to a more positive and focused state.

It’s impossible to know where other’s are at in their life and what is going on behind closed doors. Comparing yourself to others will only bring a feeling of lacking and not good enough in your own life. I too have been here many a times and I totally understand it is not easy to step away from comparison and start just focusing on you. Some really great steps I have taken in the past have been to have a “celebration journal” where you can write down everything you achieve. This can start so simple like getting the kids lunches made without you picking at them, getting your daily walk in or even focusing on your daily gratitude.
Where you are right now is where you are meant to be and YOU are amazing. Remember that gorgeous.

Happiness does not always work in the the way most people think it does. However, researchers
have found that deliberately seeking out positive states of mind and focusing on improving the
quality of our relationships we can become happier. These habits do require consistent effort over
time to help happiness grow.

So I leave you with this question….What are YOU bringing into your life to build on happiness and
gratitude for the life you are living right now?

Be happy gorgeous because you can see the good in everything….not just because everything is good

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